
Erasmus+ Projekt

Technology - Key to our future

Schachbrett Title Example


Techno logic key to our future

... ist eine strategische Partnerschaft im Programm Erasmus+ Schulbildung (KA2).

  • Beteiligte Länder

... Polen (Leadpartner), Italien, Estonia, Portugal (Madeira), Kroatien, Österreich (VS Karl Löwe Gasse)

  • Informationen über das Projekt

Computers, tablets, smartphones are inherent elements of modern children. They can be use for different purposes not only for playing. They can teach logical thinking, creativity, strategy, planning or endeavour to attain the purpose. Teamwork and ability to solving problems are very importat as well. Porogramming gives a chance for creating new worlds, teaches detecting rules and relationships, succeed at aims in different ways. Programming includes also an array of universal rules. Children can learn them by playing with and without computers. English is nesesery for comunication and to work in the international team. All those key competences are essential in everyday and proffesional life. That's why it is very important to develop them from the very begining of eduaction. Our project will change the way of thinkig, realize a need of foreign languages knowledge and ICT, will teach self-reliance in decision-making and effective teamwork. Students will learn respect for other, different people.

  • Ziele

- developing computational thinking
- developing creativity, patience and perseverance, integrity,
- acquisition of new ICT skills - graphic and audio programs
- developing language competences (learning the ITC vocabulary in English)

  • Arbeitsprozess

Each school will choose one person responsible for eTwinning cooperation. A group of students will be chosen in each school. National sudents' groups will work internationaly. We are going to use eTwinning at least once a month to update all projects activities.

  • Erwartete Ergebnisse

We expect that our students and teachers will become more skillful with new technologies. They will be able to use graphic programs, create simple robots and solve different technical Problems.